Monday, April 10, 2006

Strange Dreams

I had a couple scary dreams last week. In one I was in Italy with Rex watching the Summer Olympics. There was this event that ran down a canal and a couple girls fell off into the water (they were riding something down it) and were eaten by dolphins. It was very gross and horrifying to watch them get eaten and nobody would do anything to help them.

Ok, the Olympics were in Italy this year but it was the winter not summer. Also dolphins don’t eat people and they don’t live in the canals in Italy!

In my other dream I was putting wallpaper up in a house. It was like my job, and the family had like 5 huge dogs. One of the dogs came up to me and said,” I am going to eat your kneecap off.” It started to bite my knee and I could feel the teeth starting to break my skin but then it stopped and I don’t remember what else happened.

Ok, dogs don’t talk! I do have some knee pain from jogging, not sure what my crazy dreams mean. I should have them analyzed. Maybe I will ask Winnie what she thinks.

Well nothing much new here expect we finally have some t-shirts online for sell. BUY THEM! There is a link for them on the links section of my blog. We plan on adding a lot more t-shirts soon. Right now we have conservative shirts up.
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