Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Isaac's Birthday with delicious cake!

Well many of you know we had a major storm here on Friday. Here is a link to the local newspaper. http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage

Friday started out normal for us. I got a phone call from friends in Mississippi who we knew in Minnesota. They were coming over to visit after lunch. I was so excited to see them and their baby! Some of the kids had plans to go to a sleepover and the rest of the kids were going to a church youth meeting that night. God had other plans for us Friday:)

Well, after lunch the warning siren started going off(that happens about once a week it seems) Danielle is always prepared , she has a backpack with a bible, flashlight and she always puts her sneakers on. I didn’t think too much of the sirens, I had just started baking some pretzels. I thought it would be lovely treat for my guests:) I went outside to see what was going on and it was very calm. Our power went out and then the wind started to pick up. Rex got out of bed (he had foot surgery on Monday) and he looked outside, by that time we could see debris flying well over the treetops across the golf course. It all seemed surreal and about one minute later the wind was going completely the opposite direction it had been going. Hail came, we were listening for the freight train sound, and we didn’t hear it.

Our neighborhood had received some damage, our home did not. Our phone lines went down also. We have a generator but Rex could not get it started. One of our pastors came over that night and he was able to get it started for us, he can start anything that has a pull string, he is awesome. So we didn’t lose any of our food, and we were able to help our neighbors with our generator too.

In other news, Rex had foot surgery on Monday, he broke his foot in Oct and it still had not healed. He sought a second opinion on it, and the doctor suggested surgery since the break he had normally takes 6 weeks to heal and it still wasn’t healed, he also thought if it did heal it would break again. Rex had a 4.5 cm screw drilled into his foot. Our pastor said he was going to have to start calling him the bionic man! He is recovering extremely well. He has an air cast, but right now he has to use crutches.

Rex has been reading about Krav Maga, which means contact combat in Hebrew. It is not a martial art. Anyway I have been doing a workout dvd from a Krav Maga instructor. It is some good old fashion exercising. I have gained some weight since moving down south. I have lost some of it, it is very hard!

Here is absolute proof I am married to a red neck and I love it!

Rex and Geneva at bible drill.

Ethan at Bible Drill.