Monday, October 17, 2005

If it's not broke don't....

Rex and I went on a date last week. After 17 years of marriage you don’t have to wonder if you will get a good night kiss. We went out for Asian food. My fortune cookie read:
You can expect a change for the better in job or status in the future. Rex’s read: You are always entertaining and delightful. Years ago I thought it was a sin to read a fortune cookie. We would refuse the cookies at the end of our meals if we went out for Asian. I can’t quite seem to think much about my fortune since I can’t have a better job than the one I have right now. Rex is the one who has job worries right now, so it just seems really odd. He of course is always entertaining and delightful:)

I finished reading the Last Battle by C.S. Lewis a couple weeks ago, and I must say I was extremely disappointed in the theology at the end of the book. The books are great except this one section in the last book. I have started reading them over again to the kids, but this time around I am reading them into an mp3 player. Another thing that is really rot is the order they are selling the C.S. Lewis series. In the few book stores I have been in lately the have the Magicians Nephew as the first book, not The Lion, Witch and The Wardrobe. Don’t mess with it ya know. Leave it the way he wrote them to be read.
Here is the original order of the series:
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Horse and His Boy
The Magician’s Nephew
The Last Battle
At least they are coming out with the right movie first. Ok I am done complaining. Ciao!

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