Monday, October 24, 2005

Wanted: Hot Sauce Taster?

I made homemade ice cream last week. It was so rich I couldn’t eat much of it, especially since I started a diet last week. Exciting!! I will weigh myself tomorrow to see if I lost anything. I made chocolate ice cream. I want to try some more flavors, coffee for sure and maybe peanut butter. I have been enjoying my Saturdays. I don’t have anything planned so it’s just putzing around the house, cleaning and baking. I plan on taking my Wing Chun link off; I haven’t been there in such a long time. Rex may start going again but it will only be on Saturdays. The instructor there is really fabulous but I don’t have a desire for it. Rex is a natural at it though. Rex needs to concentrate on a new career or finding a job doing the same thing is currently doing. Any ideas on what he should do?I think he has a year or so to decide. I think his perfect job would be a hot sauce tasting chef that could practice martial arts while listening to sermons on his mp3 player. Anyone hiring? I am praying for wisdom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll keep my eyes peeled for that classified ad so I can send it your way :)

Could you send me your ice cream recipe? We don't have one and I have some cream I bought just for such a recipe....