Monday, August 01, 2005

I Vonder

Rex and I went to a movie last week and saw an Awesome preview for the movie The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I heard Michael Medved say he thought these movies would be bigger than the Lord of the Rings movies. I certainly hope so! The symbolism in the books is so much greater than the Lord of the Rings books.

Rex is taking some vacation time at the end of the month. We are going to paint the house. We have a couple of smaller projects also we would like to finish during his vacation.

Geneva turned 3 today. While we were at dog training, I made some conversation with her and asked her how old she is and she said she is three. I told her no, she was two but she wouldn’t stop saying she was three. Three is her favorite. She has a favorite color also. She is talking so much but most of it is very hard to understand. A funny phrase she said a lot last week was” It’s not my fault”! I vonder vere she got that from? NOT ME!

Rexford has started driver’s ed. I am excited for him. Ethan has finally named his 2 birds. Ethan is very thoughtful and takes his time before making almost any decision. That has its advantages and problems. Isaac is still thanking us for getting him Winnie and he is doing well training her. Lilly and Danielle are having their first sleepover and are so ecstatic about it..giggle giggles is all I hear.

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