Thursday, July 14, 2005

Guys with Skills
The boys have their own blog now. Alyssa suggested it awhile ago and they finally had some extra time to put something up.

We doggy-sat Dakota last week. Winnie enjoyed the company but she was really jealous of him. When we gave Dakota attention Winnie would get in between Dakota and the other person.

We are finishing the CAT tests this week. This is the first year I tested them in the summer. I prefer testing them during the school year:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is also a female dog thing. Not that it matters (since I assume you're not planning on getting any more), but female dogs are very interested in being the alpha dog in any situation. They also HATE when attention is given to another dog.

Glad they had fun. Now I'll have to go check out the guys' blog.