Friday, March 04, 2005

David's Mighty Men

Tonight Rex and I are going to see Ong-Bak The Thai Warrior. It has been out for a few weeks but only in selected cities. Minneapolis not being one of them till this weekend. Bad plot and acting are sure to be in it but we are going to see it for the action. It’s not supposed to be artistic like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Hero, 2 movies that are good and very beautiful to watch. It’s supposed to be like the older Kung Fu movies, that means a lot of fighting. I have not really seen Thai boxing before, but I have heard it is very dangerous. Quite a few people die from knees and kicks to the head every year in Thailand. Do you ever wonder how the great fighters in the Bible must have fought? Adino killed 800 men at one time, Agee the Hararite stationed himself in the middle of a lentil field and killed an entire troop of Philistines, these are a couple examples from 2 Samuel 23. They must have had some serious combat training. They were fighting for the Lord their God and He enabled them to do these things. I know they didn’t just wake up one morning and have the ability to wipe out an entire Philistine troop, they must have trained and trained. We don’t need the skills they had back then since we are not in the same situations as they were but I can’t image they’re training for the military would have been anything like ours.

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