Well, it turns out that Ong-Bak was not the name of the hero of the movie, but rather, it was the name of the village Buddha idol who’s head was stolen! The plot of the movie is that the village sends Ting, a young man trained in Muay Thai into the City to retrieve the idol head and “save” the village. Although the action in the movie is awesome, I can’t recommend it. There was some language in it that is objectionable, and since it is subtitled, TVguardian will not be able to edit it out when it comes out on video. Also, some of the violence was just too brutal. The one great lesson that you could mention to anyone who has seen the movie: Our God is Almighty, in Him we live and move and have our being, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, if He were hungry, He wouldn’t tell us! This idol needed it’s worshipers to save it!
Psalm 115:7-9 They have hands, but they do not handle;
Feet they have, but they do not walk;
Nor do they mutter through their throat.
8Those who make them are like them;
So is everyone who trusts in them.
9O Israel, trust in the LORD;
He is their help and their shield.
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