Monday, November 28, 2005

Knuckle Sandwich

Rex and I were practicing our forms and at the end of one of our forms we end with a punch. Our punching bag was at the end of Rex’s pattern so he punched it. He hit it in just the right spot so he bruised his knuckle so much it filled up with blood. Eventually the blood will spread out and it will not be so swollen. It is looking better already.

Gobble Gobble. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We celebrated twice, once at my mother’s house and once at Rex’s parents. His Grandmother was there, she is 95! She gets along really fine. My mom was kind enough to send me home with some leftovers. We will be having turkey sandwiches this week:)

Lilly promptly got sick when we got home. Poor baby! I think she is over the worst of it. She told me how she had forgotten what is was like to throw up:( She has been reminded now! She has been sleeping a lot and is having crazy dreams. Ask her about them next time you see her!

Well, we finally have turned over to the dark side and purchased an artificial Christmas tree. It’s a small, sparse tree. It is the right size for our family and living room space. This year instead of hanging the children baby ornaments I am displaying them in a basket, on a bed of white fluffiness.

My extra reading has fallen away. I hope to get into again this week. I have a couple books that need to be finish and our friends from Mississippi sent us a ton of beautifully bound books that I need to begin. The amount of money they spent on us astounds me.

Rex and I went to see the new Pride and Prejudice in the theater. I was disappointed they way the chose to end the movie and with the response Lizzy gives Mr. Darcy the second time he proposes but other than that it was absolutely wonderful. I prefer the BBC/A&E television mini- series Pride & Prejudice from 1995. We have it on DVD, so let me know if you want to borrow it. I think the new movie shows the differences between them in rank much clearer. It was only a little over 2 hours so they really squeezed in a lot and left out much.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Silver all around

We went to a tkd tournament today. Rexford and Lilly entered. Rexford got 2nd in sparring. Lilly got 2nd in sparring and in forms. Lilly was part of the demonstration team.

Geneva with Grand Master. He always takes time to play with her.

We have a birthday boy in the house. Rex will be a year older tomorrow. We are celebrating his birthday next week though.

Half box of tissues

A few months ago Rex and I went to the video store and rented a movie because of a recommendation from a columnist. On the way home from the video store we talked about movies we would never watch because you already now the outcome and it seems soooooo depressing. We talked about movies such as The Titanic and The Perfect Storm, movies we haven’t seen. I don’t want to watch people suffer and die. I guess I am talking about Dramas here, since I usually love action movies and some of the characters usually die in those but you don’t know their character very well so it doesn’t seem so bad or the bad guy dies at the end of movie. So Rex and I were reminiscing about movies we had seen and were looking forward to the one we just rented. I didn’t read the commendation myself so I didn’t know what to expect but it was a really good movie. A Walk to Remember. We have T.V. Guardian also. I don’t know if it blocked out anything though. If we would have known the ending we wouldn’t have rented it to begin with, but it was an over all good movie.

The portrayal of Christians was not demeaning but it was kind of corny (The preacher writing and practicing his sermon at the pulpit etc.) But the gospel wasn’t there.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

pins and needles

I had acupuncture for the first time this week. I am still in pain, so that is discouraging. The acupuncture itself didn’t hurt though. I will give it some more time. Our first quarter of schooling is coming to end this week. We started off slow in Sept. but we finally got into groove by Oct. and are on schedule.

Why isn’t the news media reporting the rioters in France are Muslims? Thomas Sowell has an excellent column on the riots at Why it started etc.

The girls had a play date yesterday. A play date is when you schedule a time for your child to play with another child. I had to explain this to my mom. Play dates were unheard of when I was a kid. We just went outside and played with the kids in the neighborhood. I don’t let the girls outside if they don’t have an older brother to watch them. How times have changed. I had to walk a couple miles in the snow to school also:)