Friday, April 29, 2005

Our Fortunes Have Been Predicted

Last Friday my mom and Frank came. Lilly usually likes to play outside with Grandpa Frank but they didn’t get to play outside much because of the rain and cool weather. He did end up playing a lot of Hearts. Grammy usually plays board games with them and she was able to do that. My mom took us girls out for breakfast and we went shopping. My mom likes to go to Byerlys to pick up things she can’t get back home. Harley the Fraidy Cat was very affectionate to my mom. As soon as she came here he went up to her and sat in her lap. I guess he knew who the boss was and was trying to butter her up. He doesn’t usually go up to visitors. We had a good time with them visiting and relaxing together. They left Sunday morning and my brother and his family came over Sunday noon. They got into town on Friday to attend a wedding. Alex their youngest, talks really well for his age and it is so cute to hear him talk, you don’t expect him to have such a large vocabulary. Caitlin and Alex would ask why about everything and we would try to answer them but if you asked them “Why?” back they would say, “Because I say so.”

Rex and I went out for some quick Asian food recently.
What our fortune cookies read:
Your love life will be happy and harmonious..
Answers that sound good aren’t necessarily good sound answers...

I have started to play spades on the internet. It has been pretty fun. I am not sure if I could score a game on my own, but I don’t have to if I play it on the internet :) Rexford turns 15 on Wednesday. We are celebrating it a little sooner. Today is Arbor Day. Lilly asked if it was a holiday and would we be having school? Nice try! School is coming along, a few of the kids are already finished with some of their books already, so our school day is shorter. Geneva thought our living room wall would look nice in purple and red, they are not colors I really considered for our living room, especially purple, one color I am not very fond of. I think the color Chino that I have on the walls will stay awhile.

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