Monday, August 22, 2005

Be careful of what you say you might have to prove it!

Last month I was in 2 different conversations with people saying basically the same thing to both of them about something I believe. Hopefully I was encouraging them about keeping on during difficult times. Then God tested me to see if I really believe it. It is a lot easier to say what you believe than to live it. I can say yes Lord that is the truth with more confidence in that area now.

We had a special preacher come to our church yesterday. I was pretty excited about it. Invited a couple people (which didn’t show up) and was on edge to hear the Word of God. Shortly through the service I became convicted in my heart about my excitement. I realized I should be excited every Sunday and I should always be looking for opportunity to invite people to church. I am glad God used this “special” service to remind me of the importance of His day every Sunday.

Rexford drove around the block a couple times now. The first time he pulled into our driveway I screamed, he was driving between 2 trash cans and I guess I was being a bit of a drama queen. I was laughing the whole time I was screaming. I am trying to have fun with it! So far he is doing fine.

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