Monday, May 30, 2005

Going to the lying fruit

Geneva loves to be out and about. Everyday she asks if she can go to the library and gets upset when we don’t go. Ethan came up with the code name…one day he asked me if we were going to the lying fruit. It took a couple seconds for me to figure out what he was talking about. For the last couple Sundays Geneva will cry that she doesn’t want to leave church.

Winnie and Harley seem to be getting along. Harley tries to hit Winnie in the face when Winnie comes by but most of the time he just sits there and stares at Winnie. Winnie wants to play with Harley.

Rex’s parents came over last weekend. Bob is retiring a year early because he has high blood pressure and his medication for it doesn’t seem to be working like it used to. Jeanne said he is on 4 different ones now. Hopefully it will come down soon.

Happy Memorial Day!!!Today we are having a family over for a barbeque from tkd. Play games etc.. We have just a few more days of school left. I need to order the kids their tests. In MN you have to test your children once a year using a nationally recognized test if you homeschool. They always score very well. Rex’s dad said that he wants to give a scholarship to kids who are C students, maybe I should tell the kids not to do well on their test so they can get a scholarship?

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