Thursday, November 04, 2004

Praise God for His Kindness and Mercy to us!!!

We added balloons to our lawn sign Wednesday morning.

Praise God Bush won! I am sure most people didn't get much sleep Tuesday night, I called my Aunt Pauline who lives in Ohio Wednesday morning, she was still sleeping having stayed up till 4:30. I am so glad Kerry was gracious compared to Gore being a sore loser 4 years ago. I had a frightened phone call Wednesday morning though, Rex and I were at Sears picking up a saw to do our floors when Rexford called saying Kerry called Bush to concede,he thought that meant Kerry called Bush and wanted Bush to concede, I thought No way, this is worse than 4 years ago! So I had him explain what he read and he read Kerry calls Bush to concede, Rexford just thought it meant something different. There is so much to write about but I don't have time.
I made Laura Bush's Cowboy cookies, very tasty!

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