Saturday, October 13, 2007

We're in Dixie!

Life seems to be getting back to normal. We are almost unpacked:) We just joined a home school group down here and Rexford attended the first senior planning meeting for graduation.

Our home is beautiful, it is the same square footage of our previous home but the footage is in different parts of the house. So we are trying to organize all our stuff as best as possible.

A little update on Rex, he had knee surgery at the end of Sept. Part of it was arthroscopic and part of it was not arthroscopic. His meniscus surgery was done arthroscopic but his ACL reconstruction was not. They took 2 ligaments from his hamstring, they drilled holes and placed pins into two of the knee bones to which they attached the ligaments. His ACL should be stronger than his old one. So he has quite a few holes in his left knee/leg that are healing well. The day after we arrived in MS (Geneva’s birthday) Rex broke his fifth metatarsal in his right foot. When we went to the clinic and they told us I was literally in tears and laughing at the same time. He broke it by hopping 2 inches to the right He goes to Physical Therapy 2 times a week now and is doing so well! He can get around the house without aid anymore.

The people at the church have been so nice to us. A large group of them came to unload our moving truck the day we arrived. It was on Wednesday and one elder had prayer meeting and the other elder helped unload the truck. The pastor down here is a real servant. Last Sunday I took the kids to church since Rex was still not able to get around much. Rex’s friend came over with Chinese food and fed him and read him a sermon. The church down here is bigger than our previous church so it will probably take us a while to meet everyone etc.

We really appreciate all the prayers people have raised for us. Praise God for His mercy and kindness to us.

Geneva birthday cake here in Dixie. She likes to say, " Daddy broke his foot on my birthday."